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Fig. 1 | Pediatric Rheumatology

Fig. 1

From: Looking for the best strategy to treat children with new onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis: presentation of the “comparison of STep-up and step-down therapeutic strategies in childhood ARthritiS” (STARS) trial

Fig. 1

Step-up arm design. T2T Group 1: Subjects with oligoarthritis without features of poor prognosis. T2T Group 2: Subjects with oligoarthritis with features of poor prognosis and subjects with polyarthritis. JADAS: Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score-10. JADAS< 50%: improvement of JADAS10 of at least 50%, JADAS<ID: JADAS10 score below inactive disease cutoff. JADAS<HDA: JADAS10 score under HDA cutoffs. JADAS>HDA: JADAS10 score above HDA cutoffs. If at the visit 3 months after step 1, 2, and 3 the patient is improved by less than 50% in the JADAS score, but he/she reaches the JADAS state of minimal disease activity, treatment is not escalated ID = inactive disease, HDA = high disease activity. CR on med.: clinical remission on medication. IACI: intra-articular corticosteroids injection. +MTX: start methotrexate (repeating IACI or adding a short course of prednisone can be considered). +TNF: add therapy with an anti-TNF agent (repeating IACI or adding a short course of prednisone can be considered). +TNF2: replace anti-TNF agent with another an anti-TNF agent or with an anti IL-6 agent (repeating IACI or adding a short course of prednisone can be considered)

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