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Table 1 Demographic data, clinical manifestations and laboratory data of the patients

From: Cardiac repolarization abnormalities in children with familial Mediterranean fever


Cases (Mean ± SD)

Control (Mean ± SD)

P value

Gender; number (%)



32 (53.3%)

21 (52.5%)


28 (46.7%)

19 (47.5%)

Age (years)

10.43 ± 3.472

12.61 ± 2.32


Age at onset of disease (years)

4.57 ± 2.197


Age at diagnosis (years)

6.13 ± 2.771


Delay in diagnosis (months)

17.33 ± 12.132


Disease duration (years)

5.86 ± 2.697


Number of attacks/month

0.62 ± 0.613


Number of attacks/year before treatment

29.58 ± 16.939


Number of attacks/year after treatment

6.72 ± 5.149


Duration of attack (hour) before treatment

52.08 ± 8.796


Duration of attack (hour) after treatment

19.17 ± 5.221


Systolic blood pressure ± SD (mmHg)

104.5 ± 10.239

106.25 ± 9.320


Diastolic blood pressure ± SD (mmHg)

63.25 ± 8.276

64.13 ± 4.789


Heart rate (beat/minute)

85.48 ± 9.58


Sodium (mmol/l)

137.62 ± 1.403


Potassium (mEq/l)

4.282 ± 0.4316


ESR (mm/hr)

17.65 ± 17.294


CRP (mg/dl)

5.105 ± 4.8766


Fibrinogen* (mg/dl)

300.50 ± 65.063


24 hours proteinuria (mg)

660 ± 170.715


Severity score

Number (%)


Mild disease

13 (21.66%)


Moderate disease

31 (51.33%)


Severe disease

16 (26.66%)


Dose of colchicines (mg)

1.408 ± 0.4738


Duration of colchicine (years)

4.48 ± 2.555


FMF 50 score

Number (%)


Good responders

58 (96.7%)


Poor responders

2 (3.3%)

  1. SD Standard deviation, P value Probability value, ESR Erytherocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein, FMF Familial Mediterranean fever