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Table 2 Comparison of the baseline parameters in the subgroups of ACR30 responders and non-responders after 12 weeks of treatment

From: Early combination therapy with etanercept and methotrexate in JIA patients shortens the time to reach an inactive disease state and remission: results of a double-blind placebo-controlled trial


ETA + MTX, week 12 ACR30 responders (n = 33)

Placebo + MTX, week 12 ACR30 responders (n = 20)

Placebo + MTX, week 12 ACR30 non-responders (n = 12)


Number of joints with LOM

8 (5–17)

6 (4–7.5)

5 (3.5–10.5)


Tender joint count

10 (5–19)

6 (4–8)

6 (3.5–10.5)


VAS disease Activity (physician’s)

8 (6–9)

6 (6–7)

6.5 (4.5–8)



24 (19–34)

19.3 (19–23.8)

17 (14–27)


CRP level

3.6 (1–26)

1.6 (0.7–9.4)

1.1 (0.1–2.9)


  1. Comparison of the baseline parameters of the different treatment regimens: the standard scheme including the consequent addition of ETA to non-responders to MTX monotherapy vs the scheme with ETA + MTX combination therapy received over 12 weeks
  2. P values are based on the non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test by rank and median multiple comparisons