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Table 3 Initial imaging findings from MRI, bone scintigraphy, and CT and follow-up MRI findingsa

From: Pediatric chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis of the mandible: Seattle Children’s hospital 22-patient experience


Number (frequency, %)

CT findings (n = 21)

 Lytic lesions

13 (62)


19 (90)

Bone scintigraphy findings (n = 8)

 Increased uptake

8 (100)

MRI findings (n = 14)

 Hyperintensity in bone marrow

14 (100)

 Hyperintensity in soft tissue

10 (71)

 Bony expansion

10 (71)

 Follow up changes

No change in 2 (25), decreased marrow hyperintensity in 6 (75)

  1. a One patient had bilateral lesions