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Table 4 Musculoskeletal abnormalities detected by pGALS in MPS attenuated type I

From: Assessment of musculoskeletal abnormalities in children with mucopolysaccharidoses using pGALS

Manoeuvre tested

pGALS instruction

MPS Ia (n = 8)

Shoulder abduction, external rotation

Hands behind neck

24/24 (100%)

Shoulder flexion

Reach arms up

23/24 (96%)

Elbow extension

Reach up

17/24 (71%)

Wrist flexion

Hands together back to back

17/24 (71%)

Wrist extension

Hands palm to palm

16/24 (67%)

MCP, DIP, PIP extension

Hands and wrists together

16/24 (67%)


Observe patient walking

11/17 (65%)

TMJ excursion

Open mouth wide and try to put 3 fingers inside

15/24 (62%)

Spinal deformity


7/19 (56%)

Forward flexion of spine

Bend forwards. Observe curvature of spine from all sides

10/19 (53%)

Neck extension

Look up to the ceiling

12/23 (52%)

Cervical spine lateral flexion

Touch ear to shoulder

12/23 (52%)

MCP/DIP/PIP extension

Hands out in front

11/22 (50%)

Elbow extension

Hands out in front

8/16 (50%)

Ankle dorsiflexion

Walk on heels

9/18 (50%)

MCP/DIP/PIP flexion

Make a fist

10/24 (42%)

Opposition of thumb and 3 rd -5 th fingers

Touch tips of fingers with thumb

10/24 (42%)

Elbow flexion

Put hands behind neck

5/12 (42%)

Forearm supination

Turn hand over

6/18 (33%)

Knee extension

Bring ankle up to bottom

5/15 (33%)

Knee flexion

3/15 (20%)

Opposition of thumb and index finger

Touch tip of finger with thumb

5/24 (21%)

Elbow flexion

Put hands and wrists together

4/24 (17%)

Ankle plantar flexion

Walk on tip-toes

2/18 (11%)