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Table 3 Median (IQR) Standard Laboratory Values and Spearman’s Correlation Coefficients for Aerobic Capacity (expressed by absolute and relative VO2 peak) (level of significance:* indicates significance < 0.05; ** indicates significance <0.01)

From: Aerobic capacity and disease activity in children, adolescents and young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)


Median (IQR)

Correlation with Z-score VO2peak(p -value)

Correlation Z-score VO2peak/kg (p -value)

ESR (mm)

8.0 (13)

−0.3 (*)

−0.5 (**)

CRP (mg/l)

5.5 (6)



Thrombocytes (10.9/l)

302 (110)

−0.4 (**)


Haemoglobin (mmol/l) boys

8.1 (1.2)


+0.5 (*)

Haemoglobin (mmol/l) girls

7.8 (1.1)

+0.3 (*)


  1. Abbreviations
  2. IQR: Interquartile Range; Z-score: standard deviation of the individual patient compared with values from age- and sex- related historical Dutch controls(37); VO2peak abs: highest oxygen uptake in liters of oxygen per minute (l/min) during maximum exercise test in l/min; VO2peak/kgl : highest oxygen uptake in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of bodyweight per minute (ml/min/kg) during maximum exercise; ESR: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ref 2-12 mm in 1 hour); CRP: C-Reactive Protein (ref 0–10 milligram per litre); thrombocytes (ref 150–450 10.9 per litre); Haemoglobin boys (ref: age group 10-12 yrs: 6.6-.8.4 millimol per liter age 12–18 yrs 6.9-9.1 millimol per liter; age >18 yrs: 8.6-10.5 millimol per liter); Hemoglobin girls (ref: age 10–12 yrs 6.6-8.4 millimol per liter; age 12–18 yrs 6.8-8.3 millimol per liter; age >18 yrs:7.5-9.5 millimol per liter).