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Fig. 3 | Pediatric Rheumatology

Fig. 3

From: Serum and salivary inflammatory biomarkers in juvenile idiopathic arthritis—an explorative cross-sectional study

Fig. 3

Visual illustration of the differences between mean NPX values of serum and salivary biomarkers in individuals with active (n = 21) compared to inactive JIA (n = 21). MD = mean difference, NPX = normalized protein expression value, an arbitrary unit on a Log2 scale according to the Proseek multiplex-enhanced extension assay provided by Olink Proteomics. The serum biomarkers in Panel A (red bars) are sorted in descending order and the salivary biomarkers in Panel B (blue bars) are sorted according to the serum biomarkers. Positive differences indicate higher and negative differences indicate lower biomarker levels in active compared to inactive JIA. The total number of serum samples in active and inactive JIA was 21, respectively, and saliva samples were 20 in active, and 18 in inactive JIA (4 missing). The biomarkers with NPX values below the level of detection in more than 60% of the samples have been excluded (5 biomarkers in serum and 19 in saliva)

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