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Table 1 Patient characteristics (n = 17a)

From: Th17/1 and ex-Th17 cells are detected in patients with polyarticular juvenile arthritis and increase following treatment



Mean (range)

Age, years

10.6 (3-17b)


# (%)


 Male: Female

4 (24):13 (76)



14 (82)


3 (18)



9 (53)


8 (47)

Laboratory Findings


# (%)

 RFc (n = 16)

4 (25)

 Anti-CCP (n = 14)

3d (21)


9 (53)

 HLA B27 (n = 11)



5 (29)

 CRP (n = 14)

7 (50)

Treatment (n = 10e)


# (%)

 MTX only

2 (20)

 Biologic only

3 (30)


5 (50)

  1. aunless otherwise stated
  2. bat sample collection
  3. cRF, rheumatoid factor; CCP, cyclic citrullinated peptide; ANA, antinuclear antibodies; HLA B27, human leukocyte antigen B27; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP, C reactive protein; MTX, methotrexate
  4. dall CCP + individuals were also RF + 
  5. ewith pre- and post-treatment samples and clinical remission