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Table 1 The clinical characteristics of the patients at the time when they filled in the questionnaire at the paediatric site and, later, at their first adult clinic visit

From: Transition readiness among finnish adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Questionnaire filled in at paediatric site

N = 83

First adult clinic visit

N = 77

Female, n (%)

59 (71)

53 (69)

Age at onset, years, mean (SD)

8.9 (5.2)


Age at visit, years, mean (SD)

14.5 (0.9)

17.1 (1.5)

JIA category* n (%)

 Polyarthritis, RF+

6 (7)

6 (8)

 Polyarthritis, RF-

26 (31)

26 (34)

 Juvenile psoriatic

5 (6)

3 (4)


5 (6)

5 (6)


2 (2)

2 (3)

 Persistent oligoarthritis

23 (28)

22 (29)

 Extended oligoarthritis

16 (19)

13 (29)

Remission**, n (%)

61 (73)

54 (71)

Uveitis, n (%)

23 (28)

20 (26)

Physician’s global VAS 0-100, mean (SD)

4.3 (8.8)

4.8 (12.0)

ESR, mean (SD)

7.3 (7.6)

7.6 (6.9)

Active joints, mean (SD)

0.5 (1.1)

0.4 (1.0)

Patient’s pain VAS 0-100, mean (SD)


17.3 (22.2)

Patient’s global VAS 0-100, mean (SD)


12.6 (19.6)

DAS28, mean (SD)


1.57 (0.79)

Systemic medication, n (%)

72 (87)

63 (82)

 Synthetic DMARDs

68 (82)

54 (70)

 Biologic DMARDs

31 (37)

33 (43)

 Systemic steroids

19 (23)

11 (14)

Smoking, n (%)


3 (12)

Non-restricted social participation, n (%)


75 (97)

  1. *According to the ILAR classification criteria [31]. **According to Wallace’s preliminary criteria [15]
  2. RF = rheumatoid factor, VAS = visual analogy scale, ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate, DMARD = disease-modifying antirheumatic drug