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Table 1 Characteristics of JIA patients with and without a family history of AD in parents (n = 8673)

From: Prevalence of familial autoimmune diseases in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from the international Pharmachild registry


No family history of AD (n = 7442)

Family history of AD (n = 1231)


Female, n (%)

5060 (68.0%)

847 (68.8%)


Age at JIA onset, median (IQR)

5.2 (2.4–9.8)

6.3 (2.5–10.8)

< 0.01*

Geographic region, n (%)


< 0.01*a

 Central and Eastern Europe

2091 (28.1%)

210 (17.1%)


 Latin America

663 (8.9%)

50 (4.1%)


 Northern Africa and Middle East

157 (2.1%)

44 (3.6%)b, c



685 (9.2%)

177 (14.4%)b, c


 Southern Asia

153 (2.1%)

16 (1.3%)d, e


 Southern Europe

2384 (32.0%)

497 (40.4%)b, c


 Western Europe

1309 (17.6%)

237 (19.3%)b, c, e


Ethnicity, n (%)


< 0.01*a

 European Caucasian

5654 (85.6%)

1008 (89.1%)



267 (4.0%)

21 (1.9%)f



132 (2.0%)

12 (1.1%)



93 (1.4%)

14 (1.2%)


 Northern African or Middle Eastern

281 (4.3%)

60 (5.3%)g


 Southeast Asian

59 (0.9%)

6 (0.5%)


 Sub-Saharan African

75 (1.1%)

5 (0.4%)



47 (0.7%)

n = 6608

5 (0.4%)

n = 1131


ILAR category, n (%)


< 0.01*a


777 (10.4%)

178 (14.5%)



2934 (39.4%)

319 (25.9%)h


 Polyarthritis RF-

2045 (27.5%)

228 (18.5%)h


 Polyarthritis RF+

335 (4.5%)

38 (3.1%)h


 Psoriatic arthritis

144 (1.9%)

146 (11.9%)h, i, j, k


 Systemic arthritis

898 (12.1%)

51 (4.1%)h, i, j, l


 Undifferentiated arthritis

309 (4.2%)

271 (22.0%)h, i, j, k, m


Laboratory characteristics, n (%)

 ANA positive

2853 (40.9%)

n = 6970

514 (44.3%)

n = 1160


 RF positive)

356 (5.4%) n = 6629

49 (4.5%)

n = 1088


 HLA-B27 positive

865 (19.4%)

n = 4467

229 (28.6%)

n = 800

< 0.01*

Disease activity, median (IQR)

 Active joints at study entry

0 (0–2)

n = 3143

0 (0–2)

n = 583


cJADAS at study entry

2.0 (0.0–7.0)

n = 2713

2.0 (0.0–7.0)

n = 519


 Active joints at last visit

0 (0–1)

n = 3143

0 (0–1)

n = 583


cJADAS at last visit

1.0 (0.0–5.0)

n = 2713

1.0 (0.0–5.0)

n = 519


Observation period in years, median (IQR)

4.0 (1.8–7.3)

3.9 (1.8–7.0)


  1. AD Autoimmune disease, ANA Antinuclear antibodies, cJADAS Clinical JADAS, ERA Enthesitis-related arthritis, HLA Human leukocyte antigen, IQR Interquartile range, ILAR International League of Associations for Rheumatology, JIA Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, RF Rheumatoid factor
  2. *P < 0.05, aP-value indicates overall difference between categories, bsignificantly different from Central and Eastern Europe, csignificantly different from Latin America, dsignificantly different from Northern Africa and Middle East, esignificantly different from Scandinavia, fsignificantly different from European Caucasian, gsignificantly different from Hispanic, hsignificantly different from ERA, isignificantly different from oligoarthritis, jsignificantly different from polyarthritis RF-, ksignificantly different from polyarthritis RF+, lsignificantly different from psoriatic arthritis, msignificantly different from systemic arthritis