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Table 2 Pediatric rheumatologists in the survey who have used biologics for JDM in combination with other therapies. Note-PR’s could answer more than once

From: Biologic therapies for refractory juvenile dermatomyositis: five years of experience of the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance in North America

Monotherapy of a biologic

6 PR’s

Biologic + methotrexate

11 PR

Biologic + methotrexate + corticosteroids

30 PR

Biologic + methotrexate + corticosteroids +1 immune-suppressive (MMF, AZA, or CSA)

24 PR

Biologic + methotrexate +IVIG

25 PR

Biologic + other therapies

9 PR

  1. mtx oral, subcutaneous, or IV methotrexate, CS oral or intravenous corticosteroids, AZA azathioprine, MMF mycophenolate, CSA cyclosporine A