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Table 1 EULAR/PRINTO/PRES criteria for childhood granulomatosis with polyangiitis [6]

From: Lung involvement in childhood onset granulomatosis with polyangiitis

1. Histopathology

Granulomatous inflammation within the wall of an artery or in the perivascular or extravascular area

2. Upper airway involvement

Chronic purulent or bloody nasal discharge or recurrent epistaxis/crusts/granulomata

Nasal septum perforation or saddle nose deformity

Chronic or recurrent sinus inflammation

3. Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial involvement

Subglottic, tracheal or bronchial stenosis

4. Pulmonary involvement

Chest x-ray or CT showing the presence of nodules, cavities or fixed infiltrates


ANCA positivity by immunofluorescence or by ELISA (MPO/p or PR3/c ANCA)

6. Renal involvement

Proteinuria >0.3 g/24 h or >30 mmol/mg of urine albumin/creatinine ratio on a spot morning sample

Haematuria or red blood cell casts: >5 red blood cells/high power field or red blood cells casts in the urinary sediment or ≥2+ on dipstick

Necrotising pauci-immune glomerulonephritis

  1. The presence of at least three of the six criteria has a sensitivity of 93.3% and a specificity of 99.2% in confirming the diagnosis