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Table 4 Sensitivity, specificity, and PPV of anti-citrullinated antibodies for overall JIA population and JIA subtypes

From: Evaluation of anti-citrullinated type II collagen and anti-citrullinated vimentin antibodies in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Sensitivity (%)

Specificity (%)

PPV (%)


With 95% CI

With 95% CI

With 95% CI

Anti-citrullinated type II collagen


Antibodies (> 3.03OD)


Overall (n=95)

25.8 (17.4-36.4)

86.2 (67.4-95.5)

85.2 (65.4-95.1)

Poly RF-positive (n=16)

12.5 (2.2-39.6)

71.2 (59.3-80.9)

8.7 (1.5-29.5)

Poly RF-negative (n=36)

28.1 (14.4-47.0)

75.4 (61.9-85.5)

39.1 (20.5-61.2)

Oligoarthritis (n=24)

30.4 (14.1-53.0)

75.8 (63.4-85.1)

30.4 (14.1-53.0)

Systemic-Onset (n=13)

16.7 (2.9-49.1)

72.7 (61.2-82.1)

8.7 (1.5-29.5)

Anti-citrullinated vimentin


Antibodies 1–16 (> 0.79OD)


Overall (n=95)

10.9 (5.6-19.5)

86.2 (67.4-95.5)

71.4 (42.0-90.4)

Poly RF-positive (n=16)

6.3 (0.3-32.2)

88.2 (78.2-94.1)

10.0 (0.5-45.9)

Poly RF-negative (n=36)

9.1 (2.4-25.5)

88.1 (76.5-94.7)

30.0 (8.1-64.6)

Oligoarthritis (n=24)

12.5 (3.3-33.5)

89.7 (79.3-95.4)

30.0 (8.1-64.6)

Systemic-Onset (n=13)

23.1 (6.2-54.0)

91.1 (82.0-96.1)

30.0 (8.1-64.6)

Anti-citrullinated vimentin


Antibodies 59–74 (> 0.81OD)


Overall (n=95)

7.8 (3.5-15.9)

89.7 (71.5-97.3)

70.0 (35.4-91.9)

Poly RF-positive (n=16)

14.3 (2.5-43.8)

93.4 (84.7-97.6)

28.6 (5.1-69.7)

Poly RF-negative (n=36)

6.1 (1.1-21.6)

91.2 (80.0-96.7)

28.6 (5.1-69.7)

Oligoarthritis (n=24)

8.3 (1.5-28.5)

92.4 (82.5-97.2)

28.6 (5.1-69.7)

Systemic-Onset (n=13)

7.7 (0.4-37.9)

92.2 (83.2-96.8)

14.3 (0.8-58.0)

  1. CI: Confidence interval; OD: Optical density; PPV: Positive predictive value; RF: Rheumatoid factor. Subtypes with small sample size were not included in the subtype analysis.