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Reliability of a generative artificial intelligence tool for pediatric familial Mediterranean fever: insights from a multicentre expert survey



Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a popular tool for clinical and research use in the medical field. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of a generative AI tool on pediatric familial Mediterranean fever (FMF).


Fifteen questions repeated thrice on pediatric FMF were prompted to the popular generative AI tool Microsoft Copilot with Chat-GPT 4.0. Nine pediatric rheumatology experts rated response accuracy with a blinded mechanism using a Likert-like scale with values from 1 to 5.


Median values for overall responses at the initial assessment ranged from 2.00 to 5.00. During the second assessment, median values spanned from 2.00 to 4.00, while for the third assessment, they ranged from 3.00 to 4.00. Intra-rater variability showed poor to moderate agreement (intraclass correlation coefficient range: -0.151 to 0.534). A diminishing level of agreement among experts over time was documented, as highlighted by Krippendorff’s alpha coefficient values, ranging from 0.136 (at the first response) to 0.132 (at the second response) to 0.089 (at the third response). Lastly, experts displayed varying levels of trust in AI pre- and post-survey.


AI has promising implications in pediatric rheumatology, including early diagnosis and management optimization, but challenges persist due to uncertain information reliability and the lack of expert validation. Our survey revealed considerable inaccuracies and incompleteness in AI-generated responses regarding FMF, with poor intra- and extra-rater reliability. Human validation remains crucial in managing AI-generated medical information.


In the medical field, artificial intelligence (AI) is garnering increasing attention as it is becoming a widely used tool for clinical activities and research. Non-generative AI applications such as supervised classification models involve analyzing and interpreting existing data. In contrast, generative AI applications and tools, such as generating patient education materials, create new original content. Generative AI incorporates regional differences and randomisation to tailor content (mostly text, images, and videos) according to language trends, cultural preferences, and locally relevant texts. Machine learning and several AI models have recently been largely used, with often good outcomes in rheumatology and pediatric rheumatology. These contemporary technologies can potentially reshape our concept of diagnosis and management, also in pediatric rheumatology disorders. Indeed, machine learning algorithms may assist physicians and other health professionals to provide more accurate and timely clinical decisions, discover novel biomarkers, and customize individual treatment plans using extensive datasets and advanced analytics [1].

Several generative AI tools are free and easily accessible, allowing patients and caregivers to interact with them for insights into medical topics. In today’s fast-paced world, generative AI tools can be perceived as fast and easily accessible reservoirs of knowledge for patients and their families. Moreover, individuals with limited access to health services may consider generative AI tools as a free means to obtain health-related information while minimizing expenses. However, because generative AI tools typically draw knowledge from web sources, the information may vary in quality, sometimes presenting inaccuracies and obsolescence. Despite these premises, medical organizations have mostly not yet adopted an official position on AI, its potential benefits, and associated risks. These considerations also apply to pediatric rheumatology.

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a rare inherited disease caused by pathogenic variants in the MEFV gene [2]. Although traditionally prevalent in regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea, FMF has now spread globally largely due to extensive migration trends in the past and recent history [3, 4]. Given that its onset mostly occurs in individuals younger than 20 years, this disease is often recognized by pediatric rheumatologists. As the current EuroFever/Paediatric Rheumatology INternational Trials Organisation (PRINTO) classification criteria for hereditary periodic fevers consider genotype as a leading factor for FMF diagnosis, ongoing research frequently aims to establish the pathogenicity of undefined MEFV variants [5]. Consequently, patients may face uncertainty regarding their condition. Furthermore, while pathogenic MEFV variants affecting exon 10 have been associated with more severe clinical manifestations, a comprehensive genotype-phenotype correlation remains elusive [6]. Renal amyloidosis is one of the most feared complications among FMF patients, and both clinical and subclinical inflammation often require lifetime treatment with colchicine [6]. However, in cases where colchicine fails to achieve sufficient control of inflammation, therapeutic strategies may necessitate the use of interleukin (IL)-1 inhibitors as adjunctive or alternative drugs [7, 8].

Thus, patients and caregivers may utilize generative AI tools to access valuable information regarding etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, risk factors for a severe disease course, diagnosis, and treatment. However, generative AI tools yield varied responses to identical inquiries when interrogated, due to the randomization inherent in the data acquisition process and the mechanisms of machine learning. Consequently, patients may encounter heterogeneous information compounded by the lack of expert validation, thereby increasing the likelihood of encountering misleading or inaccurate information provided by generative AI models.

The aim of this study was to conduct an expert, blinded, multicentric survey to assess the accuracy and consistency of responses generated by a widely used generative AI tool regarding pediatric FMF.


Study design and expert selection

We utilized a prominent, free, generative AI tool, Microsoft Copilot with Chat-GPT 4.0, to gather insights on several aspects of FMF in pediatric patients. On November 24, 2023, a total of 15 distinct questions, approved by experts on pediatric FMF, were posed to the generative AI tool in English. Each question was repeated three times, resulting in a total of 45 responses (the complete list of responses is available as Supplementary Data). After each question, the generative AI tool was reset to prevent it from recalling previously provided information. The inquiries, focusing on multiple topics related to pediatric FMF, were formulated either in broad terms (“What is FMF?“) or in a more specific manner (“Should colchicine be continued for life in patients with FMF?“) (Table 1).

Table 1 The 15 questions on pediatric familial Mediterranean fever submitted to Microsoft Copilot with Chat-GPT 4.0

A web-based survey was distributed to targeted experts, namely pediatric rheumatologists affiliated with the Italian Society of Pediatric Rheumatology (ReumaPed) and operating within tertiary-level pediatric rheumatology centres associated with PRINTO. The survey eligible participants were required to possess a more than 10 years of clinical experience in managing pediatric patients with autoinflammatory diseases, particularly FMF.

To assess how accurate Microsoft Copilot with Chat-GPT 4.0 answers are at each session, we asked experts what their judgment was in terms of accuracy of what was stated in the responses from the generative AI tool. The nine participating experts were prevented from accessing the ratings provided by their colleagues, ensuring a blind rating mechanism. Generative AI responses underwent assessment using a rating system based on a Likert-like scale ranging from 1 to 5, structured as follows:

  1. 1.

    Not relevant.

  2. 2.

    Relevant but not acceptable due to substantial inaccuracy.

  3. 3.

    Relevant with minor inaccuracy.

  4. 4.

    Relevant and accurate but incomplete.

  5. 5.

    Relevant, accurate and complete.

To ensure sufficient time for a comprehensive assessment and rating process, experts were requested to provide their ratings within a timeframe of up to two months. In addition, we asked experts how much confidence they had in using generative AI tools for medical purposes before and after completion of the survey (Fig. 1). No ethical approval was required due to the structure of the study.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flow chart of the survey methodology. * The 15 questions were prompted each three times to the generative AI tool Microsoft Copilot with Chat-GPT 4.0

Statistical analysis

Ordinal variables were presented as median with first and third quartiles. The Friedman test evaluated the significant differences among readers over the sessions. Dunn’s post hoc test, with a Bonferroni correction, was used to compute multiple pairwise comparisons. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess session agreement. An ICC < 0.5 was considered as poor, ≥ 0.5 and < 0.75 as moderate, ≥ 0.75 and < 0.9 as good and ≥ 0.9 as excellent agreement. Inter-rater agreement in graded responses was evaluated for each session using Krippendorff’s alpha reliability coefficient. Alpha values closer to − 1 are defined as inverse agreement, 0 is complete disagreement, and 1 is complete agreement. All tests were two-sided, and a level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. All the statistical analyses were performed using the R environment for statistical computing and graphics version 3.5.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria;


The evaluation of the responses revealed notable insights into the expert assessments and the performance of the generative AI tool on pediatric FMF and unveiled substantial intra-rater variability as well as variability among expert judgments. This variability, manifested in the differences observed in first, second, and third assessments, underscores the complexity inherent in evaluating responses to multifaceted medical queries.

A metric for assessing intra-expert reliability was given by ICCs, which showed values ranging from low to moderate across various answers. ICCs ranged from a minimum of -0.151, indicating slight intra-rater disagreement, to a maximum of 0.534, suggesting moderate intra-rater agreement. However, only two out of nine experts exhibited statistically significant intra-rater variability. Median values for overall responses at the initial assessment ranged from 2.00 to 5.00. During the second assessment, median values spanned from 2.00 to 4.00, while for the third assessment, they ranged from 3.00 to 4.00 (Table 2).

Table 2 Median [first; third] quartiles of the likert-like scale ranging from 1 to 5 evaluations over three sessions by nine experts generated by Microsoft Copilot with Chat-GPT 4.0 search engine

Notably, while some questions elicited relatively higher agreement, others displayed more pronounced divergence in assessments. The findings unraveled a spectrum of variability in expert assessments, suggesting differing levels of concordance regarding the fidelity of the generative AI platform responses across the pediatric FMF inquiry spectrum. This variability stemmed from a confluence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors inherent in both expert proficiency and evaluation dynamics. Additionally, Krippendorff’s alpha coefficients, highlighting the inter-expert reliability, indicated a modest level of agreement that varied marginally across assessment iterations. Indeed, the observed trend of decreasing Krippendorff’s alpha coefficients across expert ratings warrants careful consideration and speculation regarding potential underlying factors. The initial value of 0.136 (at the first response), followed by subsequent declines to 0.132 (at the second response) and 0.089 (at the third response), suggests a diminishing level of agreement among experts over time. Regarding the trust of experts in generative AI tools for medical scope, four out of nine experts have increased their trust, two out of nine have decreased their trust, and three out of nine have preserved their trust (Fig. 2). However, the pre-survey levels of trust were generally low, with a slight increase in the post-survey assessment.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Difference in expert trust in generative AI tools for medical scope before and after completing the survey


The emergence of AI in the medical field represents an exciting new frontier; indeed, AI tools can provide several functionalities that could be potentially revolutionary. For example, when asked about the potential applications of AI in pediatric rheumatology, the popular generative AI tool Microsoft Copilot with Chat-GPT highlighted numerous opportunities:

  1. 1.

    Early diagnosis. AI can evaluate patient history and phenotype for early diagnoses and better outcomes, with minimized long-term complications.

  2. 2.

    Treatment optimization. AI tools can evaluate treatment responses and disease outcomes, thus helping clinicians to set individualized treatment plans and improving efficacy, minimizing side effects.

  3. 3.

    Predictive analytics. AI tools can analyze various factors to predict disease progression with substantial accuracy, helping clinicians to intervene timely.

  4. 4.

    Imaging analysis. AI tools can be used for the interpretation of imaging studies such as X-rays, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), helping clinicians to detect minor abnormalities and monitor disease course with relevant accuracy.

  5. 5.

    Patient education. Generative AI tools can help patients and their families to access accurate and updated information about their disease, spanning from epidemiology to pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment options, and perspectives.

However, serious challenges arise from unregulated information source processes and the absence of expert recognized and validated tools for data interpretation. With no validated methods for managing its perils and promises, there is a considerable risk for inaccurate or outdated interpretations of medical knowledge provided by AI. These challenges should be considered by the medical community as well as it should be imperative to fully comprehend and exploit the benefits of AI in healthcare settings, similar to other contemporary digital tools [9, 10]. Pediatric rheumatology is not exempt from these considerations; nonetheless, there have been several interesting studies conducted on the topic. To the best of our knowledge, the first pioneering research on computer-assisted diagnosis of rheumatologic diseases was published in 1983, when it was proposed a knowledge-based computer consultant system christened “AI/RHEUM” [11]. This system aimed to offer diagnostic support for 26 different rheumatologic disorders, reporting a diagnostic performance of 92%, as confirmed by further research [11, 12]. Nevertheless, a lower accuracy was documented in subsequent evaluations [13]. This first AI model garnered attention from the medical community, leading to the development of some related project such as an educational package named “AI/LEARN Network”, consisting of graphical representation of the knowledge encompassed by AI/RHEUM [14]. A modified version AI/RHEUM for pediatric rheumatology was proposed in 1998, with a declared diagnostic rate of 92% [15]. Also, in recent years several intriguing studies have been conducted to assess the reliability of AI models in pediatric rheumatology. In 2019, researchers developed an AI method to address the educational gap among parents and children dealing with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. This method delivered a dialogue system facilitating caregivers’ access to educational material, with good outcomes [16, 17]. In 2020, AI was utilized to compare segments of pre- and post-pamidronate whole-body MRI scans in patients under 16 years old with chronic non-bacterial osteomyelitis. A machine learning algorithm was developed, showing promising sensitivity in detecting new lesions or resolution of existing ones. However, it failed to accurately classify stable disease [18]. Intriguing research on the topic was conducted in 2023, wherein AI was employed to differentiate children with juvenile dermatomyositis from healthy controls utilizing nailfold capillaroscopy images. The neural network model named “NFC-Net” exhibited good sensitivity and specificity, demonstrating its accuracy in predicting clinical disease activity [19]. A new diagnostic model for systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis was developed in 2024, providing a novel tool for aiding in the identification of the disease. This innovative model also allowed the recognition of four key genes that could serve as potential biomarkers for the disease [20].

FMF has also been the focal point of several studies employing AI. A missense variant metapredictor tool named Rare Exome Variant Ensemble Learner (REVEL) was employed to decrease the number of MEFV variants with unknown significance [21, 22]. The REVEL scores aligned with the consensus classification provided by experts. In addition, this model enabled the authors to propose a reclassification of 96 MEFV variants [23]. The opportunities and potential of AI in supporting diagnosis and treatment for FMF patients have been emphasized by reports of patients who have benefited from reaching a diagnosis through AI [24]. Moreover, AI models have successfully highlighted the role of some common MEFV variants through deep neural networks and machine learning approach [25, 26]. Thanks to the development of a machine learning approach, a strong geographic association has been identified between the modern-day origins of three prevalent MEFV variant and a specific geographical area spanning from North Africa to Europe, and West Asia [26]. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in research interest regarding the application of AI in the field of rheumatology [27,28,29,30,31]. However, challenges have also arisen in AI applications in FMF. For instance, recent research employing generative AI models to differentiate between patients with FMF and those with Deficiency of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (DIRA) did not exhibit higher accuracy compared to an expert physician [32].

Despite the growing interest in understanding the possibilities of AI for medical scope (particularly for rare diseases such as FMF), there is currently no consensus from medical organizations on related benefits and risks. Our multicentric survey aimed to evaluate the accuracy of a popular generative AI tool for inquiries about pediatric FMF. Several considerations can be made about the responses provided; for example, despite the fact that responses are generally fluent, well-written, and rich in details, information is often inaccurate or incomplete (Table 3). When prompted about what FMF is, the popular generative AI tool responded that “genetic testing is not the only way to diagnose FMF [.]” (response 1 A); however, according to the current EuroFever/PRINTO classification criteria, this definition could be acceptable but it should be specified that genetic investigations should always be performed, when available, to achieve a diagnosis, with higher levels of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity than clinical classification criteria [5]. The popular generative AI tool repeated in various responses (responses 1B, 2B, 2 C, etc.) that “people with FMF inherit a faulty copy of this gene from each parent” or “this mutation is passed from parents to their children in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that both parents must be carriers for a child to have the disease”; nevertheless, patients with a heterozygous phenotype with likely pathogenic or pathogenic variants may be diagnosed with FMF [5]. Other inaccuracies could be found, such as “the gene mutation causes pyrin to be activated by bacterial modifications in Rho GTPases” because this molecular mechanism is also present in normal conditions (response 3 A), or “in people with FMF, the mutation in the MEFV gene makes pyrin less effective” because pyrin is hyperactivated in FMF (response 3B), or “FMF can also occur in people who have mutations in other genes that affect the same pathway” (response 5 C). Other significant inaccuracies detected were “therefore, it is possible to have FMF with just one mutation, but it is rare and unpredictable” (response 5 C), while there is a relevant number of FMF patients with a heterozygous MEFV genotype. One of the most serious inaccuracies was found in response 7 A, where the generative AI tool reported that the current EuroFever/PRINTO classification criteria for FMF are “based on a scoring system that assigns points to different clinical features, laboratory tests, and genetic tests. A patient is diagnosed with FMF if he or she has a score of 13 points or more […]”. This sentence has major inaccuracy because this classification criteria require one or two (based on the MEFV genotype) among recurrent fever, abdominal pain, chest pain, and arthritis, and therefore are not based on a score of 13 points [5]. Also, substantial inaccuracies are present in the other responses to the question focused on the current classification criteria, such as in response 7B the lack of the current EuroFever/PRINTO classification criteria, and the wrong definition of the Yalcinkaya-Ozen classification criteria “a patient is diagnosed with FMF if they have a score of 10 or more points, based on the presence and frequency of fever, serositis, arthritis, skin rash, and MEFV gene mutations” while they in reality are suggestive for FMF with at least two among fever, abdominal pain, chest pain, oligoarthritis, and a positive family history. In response 7 C are also reported wrong, lower, rates of sensitivity and specificity for the EuroFever/PRINTO classification criteria. Other relevant inaccuracies are detectable in the biologic treatment available for children with FMF, as in response 15 A it was reported that “several biologic drugs that may be effective for children with FMF who do not respond to colchicine, but they are not approved for this indication” or “these biologic drugs are not approved specifically for FMF but they are approved for other inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes. Therefore, they can be used off-label for FMF.” In addition, in response 15B, it is reported that “anakinra is not the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved specifically for FMF, but it has been used off-label in some patients who do not respond to colchicine or other biologics”. Actually, anakinra has been proven to be effective in large studies. Moreover, the information only focused on the FDA but did not mention the European Medical Agency (EMA) or other international and national companies. Anakinra and canakinumab are, indeed, approved by the EMA for children with FMF. Several are examples of incomplete information; for example, only IL-1 is cited among the various responses to the pathogenesis, while IL-18 is never mentioned.

Table 3 The major inaccuracies found among the 45 responses provided by the generative artificial intelligence tool on pediatric familial Mediterranean fever

The variability observed among expert judgments, as reflected in the intra-rater variability and inter-expert reliability metrics, underscores the intricacies inherent in assessing the fidelity of AI-generated responses to complex medical queries. While some questions garnered relatively higher agreement among experts, others exhibited more pronounced divergence in assessments, highlighting the heterogeneous nature of response interpretation within pediatric FMF. The variability emerged in expert evaluations can be attributed to several factors such as the differences of personal viewpoints and the heterogeneous levels of trust in generative AI prior and during the survey. Interestingly, it appeared that trust in the generative AI model decreased as the survey progressed, probably due to the lower-than-expected accuracy of response. Moreover, subjective interpretations and multiplicity in response comprehension contributed to incongruences in assessments, accentuating the need for robust validation methods and ongoing refinement of evaluation protocols. The diminishing level of agreement among experts over time, as evidenced by declining inter-expert reliability metrics, highlights the dynamic nature of response evaluation and the evolving discernment among experts throughout the assessment process. There are a number of plausible explanations for this trend, such as experts’ better discernment due to experience with the assessment procedure or the appearance of subtle discrepancies in interpretation as evaluations advanced. Alternatively, it may reflect the inherent challenges associated with consistently evaluating responses generated by generative AI systems, necessitating ongoing refinement of evaluation protocols to mitigate potential sources of variability and ensure robust inter-expert reliability. One of the reasons of this variability may be the subjective prism through which experts approached their assessments, each imbued with unique perspectives, clinical insights, and scholarly backgrounds. Despite the valuable functionalities and potential of AI models, the absence of validated methods for determining the reliability and accuracy of AI-provided information is still prevalent. Addressing these concerns is imperative to fully harness the potential of AI in medical settings.

In this study, questions were prompted in English. However, the interactions between languages and diverse cultures play an important role in influencing AI responses. In fact, language shapes our perceptions and interpretations, which affect the responses and outputs of AI models. Cultural specificities within the language can impact communication, resulting in varied interpretations and responses from generative AI tools. Additional research should evaluate how differences in language, culture, and societal norms influence AI responses. A deeper comprehension of these aspects will not only improve our understanding of AI outputs but will also promote more respectful interactions with users, especially patients with different cultures and provenances. Some methodological limitations are needed to be discussed. Firstly, although a widely used generative AI tool was utilized for this survey, there are various other generative AI platforms that could yield similar health information. A broader and more complete survey investigating the possible disparities between various generative AI tools on pediatric rheumatology-related topics, particularly FMF, could be of interest. Secondly, the analysis was limited to 45 responses resulting from 15 questions reiterated three times; therefore, the efficacy of the randomization strategy could be limited, and a higher number of responses could be required for a more in-depth evaluation. Additionally, experts were selected exclusively from third-level pediatric rheumatology Italian centers, potentially limiting the diversity of perspectives and generalizability of our findings. An international survey could yield differing ratings owing to the varied viewpoints of experts across different countries. Despite meticulous selection and validation of the study protocol, questions, responses, and the Likert-like rating scale among experts, ratings are subject to personal interpretation and judgment. Consequently, the overall reproducibility of the experiment could be partially reduced. Moreover, the authors’ personal confidence in generative AI tools may have influenced their assessments; however, their opinion has been blinded by others and collected before and after the survey assessment, resulting in the fact that after completing the survey, experts trust has generally increased or been maintained (seven out of nine experts).


Despite generative AI showed promising applications, there are still several doubts on information reliability and inaccuracy. In order to optimize AI utilization in the medical field, further research should aim to address these contemporary digital challenges. Medical organizations should increase their efforts in developing dedicated protocols to validate AI uses in pediatric rheumatology. The importance of human oversight of AI-generated information is crucial as well as the need for integrating new digital tools with the solid clinical experience.

Data availability

Data collected during the realization of this paper are available upon reasonable request to the authors.



Artificial intelligence


Familial Mediterranean fever


Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation




Italian Society of Pediatric Rheumatology


Intraclass correlation coefficient


Rare Exome Variant Ensemble Learner


Deficiency of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist


European Medical Agency


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SLB and ADL had the idea for the article, performed the literature search, wrote the manuscript. AP provided the statistical analysis and realized tables and figures. MCM, RG, FLT, AI, MFN, FS, GS, DR and LB rated the responses provided by AI. MA, FC, FDB, FAM and MG coordinated, supervised, and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Saverio La Bella or Francesco Chiarelli.

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La Bella, S., Attanasi, M., Porreca, A. et al. Reliability of a generative artificial intelligence tool for pediatric familial Mediterranean fever: insights from a multicentre expert survey. Pediatr Rheumatol 22, 78 (2024).

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