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Table 1 PRES Position Statement for transitional care during the covid-19 pandemic for young people with juvenile onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases - abbreviated [25]

From: Developmentally appropriate transitional care during the Covid-19 pandemic for young people with juvenile-onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: the rationale for a position statement

1. Paediatric and adult rheumatology teams should make every effort to put a coordinated transition process in place for young people.

2. Paediatric and adult rheumatology teams should be aware of the potential impact of Covid-19 on transition processes and engage members of the multidisciplinary team to support young people and their families / caregivers through this process.

3. During transfer from paediatric to adult services, processes should be in place to ensure that there is no disruption to supply of medication or other medical care that a young person receives.

4. Consideration should be given to expansion of formal telemedicine protocols to help address continuity of care during covid-19 where possible.

5. YP should be meaningfully included in discussions regarding service developments and use of telemedicine to aid transition processes.

6. During the Covid-19 pandemic, general considerations regarding transition should be taken into account including:

• Routine psychosocial screening.

• Individualised transition planning which acknowledges impact of the pandemic.

• Disease and symptom control including fatigue.