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Table 5 Recurrence rate, corticosteroid dependence rate, and refractory disease rate in pediatric IgA vasculitis patients of different onset age

From: Onset age is a risk factor for refractory pediatric IgA vasculitis: a retrospective cohort study


Total (n = 484)

≤6 Y (n = 234)

6–12 Y (n = 210)

12–18 Ya (n = 40)

P value

Recurrenceb rate

46 (9.5%)

17 (7.3%)

20 (9.5%)

9 (22.5%)


CS dependencec rate

136 (28.1%)

45 (19.2%)

69 (32.9%)

22 (55.0%)

< 0.001

Refractory diseased rate

76 (15.7%)

17 (7.3%)

37 (17.6%)

22 (55.0%)

< 0.001

  1. Data shown are number (%) of patients
  2. Abbreviations: CS Corticosteroid
  3. a Patients were grouped by onset age: ≤ 6 Y (years old), 6–12 Y (> 6, ≤ 12 years old), and 12–18 Y (> 12, < 18 years old)
  4. b Recurrence was defined as disease flare-up after complete remission and medication free for at least three months
  5. c CS dependence was defined as more than 6 weeks of daily oral CS intake
  6. d Refractory disease was defined as not achieving complete remission 6 months after disease onset