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Table 2 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of enrolled patients. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the patients at study enrolment

From: Proposal for a definition for response to treatment, inactive disease and damage for JIA associated uveitis based on the validation of a uveitis related JIA outcome measures from the Multinational Interdisciplinary Working Group for Uveitis in Childhood (MIWGUC)


Total sample

N = 82

Female sex

62 (75.6%)

ANA positive

60 (73.1%)

HLA-B27 positive

8 (9.8%)

Rheumatoid factor positive

7 (8.5%)

Clinical JIA Characteristics (n = 82)

 Oligoarthritis, persistent

44 (53.7%)

 Oligoarthritis, extended

9 (11.0%)

 RF- Polyarthritis

15 (18.3%)

 Psoriatic arthritis

1 (1.2%)

 Enthesitis-related arthritis

4 (4.9%)

 Undifferentiated JIA

4 (4.9%)


5 (6.1%)

 JIA disease duration, years, mean (SD)

4.8 (3.8)

 Age at disease onset in years, mean (SD)

3.8 (3.2)

 Physician’s global, VAS, mean (SD) (range 0–100)

34.0 (28.7)

Patient reported outcomes (n = 51)

 Number of days in hospital due to uveitis in the last 6 months

12 (23.5%)

 Missed days in kindergarten/ school due to uveitis in the last 6 months

27 (52.9%)

 Number of days with restrictions in daily life due to uveitis in the last 6 months

12 (23.5%)

 Patients assessment of overall well-being, VAS, mean (SD) (range 0–100)

34.1 (29.7)

 C-HAQ, mean (SD) (range 0–3)

0.81 (1.04)

 PedsQL, mean (SD) (range 0–100)

78.7 (21.5)

Clinical Uveitis Characteristics (n = 82)

 Uveitis disease duration, years, mean (SD)

3.3 (3.0)

 Age at uveitis onset in years, mean (SD)

5.1 (2.9)

Number of affected eyes


17 (20.7%)


65 (79.3%)

 Physician’s global, VAS, mean (SD)

44.3 (34.1)

 Number of patients with at least one active eye (AC cell grade > 0)

82 (100.0%)

  1. AC anterior chamber, ANA anti-nuclear antibody, CHAQ Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire, HLA human leukocyte antigen, PedsQL Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory, RF rheumatoid factor, SD standard deviation, VAS visual analogue scale range 0 to 100.* The category unknown includes patients with JIA for which the category was not reported by the paediatric rheumatologist.