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Table 1 Demographics and clinical characteristic of the 59 patients included in the study

From: Risk factors for damage in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus in Asians: a case control study

Patient demographics

 Age at diagnosis (year)

13 [12–15]

 Female:male ratio




56 (94.9%)


3 (5.1%)

 Disease duration in years

7.8 [5.5–10.1]

Disease manifestations

 Presence of neuropsychiatric manifestations

9 (15.3%)

 Presence of haematological involvement

40 (67.8%)

 Presence of renal involvement

47 (79.7%)

 WHO class II lupus nephritis

2 (3.3%)

 WHO class III lupus nephritis

10 (16.9%)

 WHO class IV lupus nephritis

30 (50.8%)

 WHO class V lupus nephritis

8 (13.6%)

 Presence of serositis

10 (16.9%)

Drug therapies

 Ever use of hydroxychloroquine

36 (61%)

 Ever use of intravenous methylprednisolone

28 (31.9%)

 Ever use of cyclophosphamide (intravenous or oral)

35 (59.3%)

 Ever use of mycophenolate mofetil/mycophenolic acid

21 (35.6%)

 Ever use of azathioprine

49 (83.1%)

 Ever use of cyclosporine

13 (22%)

 Ever use of intravenous immunoglobulin

7 (11.9%)

 Ever use of rituximab

1 (1.7%)

  1. Descriptive data represented as median [interquartile range] or frequency (%)