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Table 1 Preferred testing in patients with probable juvenile dermatomyositis

From: Current management of juvenile dermatomyositis in Germany and Austria: an online survey of pediatric rheumatologists and pediatric neurologists

Diagnostic categories

Proportion of participants supporting testing

Specific diagnostic tests

Laboratory diagnostics

> 75% of participantsa

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, GOT/AST, GPT/ALT, CK, LDH, ANA, CBC with differential count, CRP, BUN/creatinine, IgG/IgA/IgM

50–75% of participantsa

C3 and C4, myositis blot, ENA panel, vWF antigen, total protein, ferritin, thyrotropin, uric acid, aldolase, rheumatoid factor and CCP antibody

< 50% of participantsa

Albumin, 25-OH vitamin D, extended myositis blot (including anti-NXP2, -TIF1gamma, −MDA5), serologic testing for certain infections, cardiac-specific troponin, SPEP, NT pro-BNP, fecal calprotectin, serum neopterin, 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D, tTG-IgA, lymphocyte subpopulations, stool occult blood

Apparatus-based diagnostics or interventions

> 75% of participantsa

ECG, pulmonary function testing, echocardiography, muscle MRI

50–75% of participantsa

muscle ultrasound, nailfold capillaroscopy, abdominal ultrasound

< 50% of participantsa

Chest radiograph, EMG, muscle biopsy, swallow study, chest CT

Juvenile dermatomyositis-specific clinical scores or subspecialty consultations

> 75% of participantsa


50–75% of participantsa

Childhood myositis assessment scale (CMAS)

< 50% of participantsa

Disease activity score, dermatology consultation, manual muscle testing (MMT)-8, neurology consultation

  1. Abbreviations: ANA antinuclear antibodies, ALT alanine aminotransferase, AST aspartate aminotransferase, BUN blood urea nitrogen, CBC complete blood count, CCP cyclic citrullinated peptide, CK creatine kinase, CRP C-reactive protein, ECG electrocardiogram, EMG electromyogram, ENA extractable nuclear antigen, GOT glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, GPT glutamate pyruvate transaminase, Ig immunoglobulin, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, NT pro-BNP N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, SPEP serum protein electrophoresis, tTG tissue transglutaminase, vWF von Willebrand factor
  2. atests are listed in order of descending frequency