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Table 4 The 1998 Brighton criteria for a diagnosis of Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome[8].

From: The differential diagnosis of children with joint hypermobility: a review of the literature

Major Criteria:

   1. Beighton Score of ≥ 4/9

   2. Arthralgia for > 3 months in > 4 joints

Minor Criteria:

   1. Beighton score of 1–3

   2. Arthralgia in 1–3 joints

   3. History of joint dislocation

   4. Soft tissue lesions >3

   5. Marfan-like habitus

   6. Skin striae, hyperextensibility or scarring

   7. Eye signs, lid laxity

   8. History of varicose veins, hernia, visceral prolapse

  1. For a diagnosis to be made either both of the major criteria must be present or 1 major and 2 minor or 4 minor.