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Table 2 Methotrexate history of study patients

From: Mothers’ reports of the difficulties that their children experience in taking methotrexate for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and how these impact on quality of life

Age in years at starting MTX, mean (S.D.) (n=168)

6.1 (3.9)

Duration in months of MTX use, median (IQR)

29.0 (11.5 – 60.5)

Current MTX dose (mg/m2/week), median (IQR)

12.5 (10 – 15)

MTX route, n (%)


Oral route throughout

55 (32.2)

Current route oral but previously subcutaneous

16 (9.4)

Subcutaneous route throughout

24 (14.0)

Current route subcutaneous but previously oral

76 (44.4)