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Table 1 Respondent characteristics

From: Treatment escalation patterns to start biologics in refractory moderate juvenile dermatomyositis among members of the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance


N = 991



  Pediatric rheumatology

87 (88%)

  Med-Peds rheumatology

9 (9%)

  Pediatric rheumatology and Allergy/Immunology

1 (1%)


1 (1%)


1 (1%)

Location of practice


  United States

84 (85%)


7 (7%)

  United Kingdom

2 (2%)

  Middle East

5 (5%)


1 (1%)

Years of experience


  < 1

10 (10%)


24 (24%)


22 (22%)

  > 10

42 (43%)



1 n (%)

  1. Demographic features available of survey respondents